Soulmanのウラナミ『GBDF (ゴルフボールディンプルフィン)』


Soulman:"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." --Benjamin Franklin


Howzit…Howzit…PPAPを知ったとき、今までで一番おもしろいリズムだと思ったよ。今でもまだ流行ってみたいだけれど・・・僕はもう十分かな・・・でも、ここで皆さんに1つ紹介したいものがあるんだ。それはね、「ゴルフボールのディンプル(くぼみ)」と「フィン」を合わせて~、「Golf Ball Dimple Fin」(PPAP風に)ってそんなことはしたくなかったけど・・・何でそんなデザインのフィンができたのか調べてみようと思ったんだ。

ジョシュ・カーモデルのフィンが2012年に発売されたのが最初で、最近では2016年のVolcom Pipe Proでジェイミー・オブライエンが2位になった時のモデルがでているんだ。









(J.Oefiner and G.V.Lauder)

(J.Oefiner and G.V.Lauder)


それではまた。A hui hou…Malama Pono!!!


Howzit…Howzit…when PPAP came out I thought it was the most hilarious routine ever…but as most things especially in Japan…I kinda had enough…but here is one more for you…golf ball dimple + Fin = golf ball dimple fin. Sorry I didn’t want to do it…but being spring and wanting to explore the why of things…I decided to find out about the dimple design on fins. The first fins started coming out in 2012 on Josh Kerr’s fins…then recently on Jamie O’Brian’s last year when he placed second at the Pipeline Masters. Why dimples and do they really work as how they say?

Why dimples on a golf ball?

The technology says that golf balls with dimples fly further than a golf ball without and the reason is that the dimpled surface reduces drag and spinning creates the lift. There are two types of flow around an object: laminar (uni-directional) and turbulent (disordered movement). Laminar flow has less drag but a separation of the laminar boundary increases drag. The dimples creates a turbulated surface which brings the laminar flow closer to the ball…reducing the separation.. which reduces drag. A surfboard fin with dimples creates a turbulent flow…the dimpled surface delays the separation, reducing the cavitation (bubbles) allowing the foil to maintain performance. To take this to another level, modern golf balls have dimple patterns specifically for “control” or “distance”. The discovery that a golf ball could fly farther were by golfers (not scientist) in the 19th century when they observed that a nicked ball would fly farther than perfectly smooth ones. At this point we know that the dimples reduce drag, influenced by its pattern and shape. And that the fin will work more to reduce drag and separation but not really create lift.


On similar study of turbulent and laminar flows, researchers using biomimicry (studying nature and animals to base designs) have been studying sharkskin and say that the teeth like surfaces called “riblets” in shark skin significantly reduce drag. The most famous application of sharkskin Michael Phelps earned 14 gold medals in Athens and Beijing. The technology swimsuits were banned from 2010 in Olympic competition. In 1984 Olympics and 1987 America’s Cup, 3M riblets were put on US boats which presumably helped them win. Researchers have proven the riblet surfaces and reduce drag up to 10% in water.

(J.Oefiner and G.V.Lauder)

(J.Oefiner and G.V.Lauder)

It would really be interesting if surfboard fin designers take the dimple theory one step further and merge or replace it with sharkskin technology. Flow on a modern surfboard hull could also be optimized using the sharkskin technology. Sharkskin riblet + dimple fin = sharkskin riblet dimple fin

It is Spring so go out, buy a new board with new fins and go catch a wave. And remember to support your local surf/ocean/mountain activity shop…. Until next time…”A hui hou…Malama Pono!!!

