Howzit Howzit…元気?暖かくなってきて本当に嬉しいね!僕は、これからサーフィンモードに突入するんだ。この冬はあまり海に入らなかったけれど、その分スノーボードを楽しんだよ。それと、「ひまわり8号・9号」について勉強していたんだ。
そんなことよりも外へ出掛けたりサーフィンに行くべきだよ。時間は限られているからね・・・。もちろん近所のサーフショップやマリンショップのサポートも忘れずにね。それではまた!A Hui Hou, Malama Pono!
『Is the world flat?』
Howzit Howzit…I am really glad that it is getting warmer. This winter I didn’t go into the water much but I had a really good time snowboarding. Now it is time to get into water mode. During this past winter I learned about Himawari 8 & 9. Himawari 8 & 9 are two geostationary weather satellites operated by the Japan Metological Agency. These satellites were built by Mitsubishi Electric with help from Boeing. The Himawari 8 started service on July 7th 2015 and it will be succeeded by Himawari 9 in 2022 (it is the backup for now). These satellites were built in Ofuna then shipped to Tanegashima Space Center for launch (October 7th 2014). The satellite is currently managed by the facility in Ofuna.
What makes the Himawari special is that it is capable of taking ful-color photos of the entire planet, every ten minutes. Giving us an unprecedentedly high resolution that can visualize features as small as 500 square meters. These images will help scientists better understand the genesis, evolution, and outcome of large-scale weather patterns. real-time streaming view of the earth (10 min intervals). There are special areas such as Japan (1km resolution) that are updated every 2.5 minutes.
RIKEN AICS (Advanced Institute for Computational Science) and collaborators have used the power of Japan’s K computer to assimilate Himawari satellite data at frequent intervals (10min) into weather prediction models to improve the rainfall predictions and rapid development of large weather systems such as typhoons.
Himawari data helps atmospheric observation and modeling in many aspects. It has an advanced imager, with sixteen wavelength bands to capture everything from volcanic ash to particle pollutants; from vegetation health to full color freak storms. This will allow monitoring of the Yellow sand from China, flood and sudden downbursts of rain, volcanic monitoring, wind vector observation just to name a few.
Now what does this mean for wave prediction? I will allow for better data assimilation of initial and forcing input. Also it will allow for quicker realtime data…10 min, so you will know where the typhoon is every 10 min (right now it is 1hr typhoon reporting). Also it may even allow you to know when the wind changes from onshore to offshore…and all surfers know what that means.
Finally, recently there have been news showing that there are still people who believe the world is flat such as promoted by the Flat Earth Society for one. The popularity of social media has strengthened the claims by these group. Look up the info if you want to but in reality you can use your time for more productive tasks.
Is the world flat? NO! Firstly the images from the Himawari show that the world is round. You can do your own tests on what you see in the actual sky and what is shown on the images. Secondly, we can go around disproving anything and what will we get in the end….wasted time. I say believe science and question authority. Also, with all the time you save by not paying attention to conspiracy theories, the more time you will have to go out and catch good waves!!!
With that, forget about wasting time and get out and catch a wave. Time are hard…don’t forget to support your local surf/marine shop! A Hui Hou, Malama Pono!