Soulmanのウラナミ『Live Pono』


Soulman:"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." --Benjamin Franklin






「サステナビリティ」と聞くと、僕がハワイにいた子どもの時を思い出す。それは、Ahu’puaa(土地や食料を皆でシェアすること)、 Lokahi(協調性)、pono(正しく)など、これら全てはアロハの精神に捧げる言葉なんだ。

ハワイでは、外部の人が移住してくる前に、100万人以上の人々が住んでいたんだ。飛行機やボートもなかったから、ハワイは持続可能だった。そして、人々には正義(righteousness)があった。 Righteousnessは、宗教的な意味で使われる言葉でもあるけど、ここでは人々や環境に対して必要になる全ての行いのこと。Ponoの精神で生きることは、Lokahiも理解しなければいけない。Lokahiは、お互いが、僕らの周りの全てが調和すること、物事のバランスなんだ。



「Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ‘Aina I ka Pono」




ハワイで誰もが敬意をよせるPilahi Pakiの言葉を引用すると、




Live Pono…「サステナビリティ」について考え、波をつかまえに行こう。あと、近くのサーフショップやマリンスポーツショップなどのサポートも忘れずにね。それではまた。”A hui hou…Malama Pono!!!

Howzit…Howzit…Have you ever wondered where the chopstick you use when you buy a bento comes from? It probably came from China as China produces over 45 billion a year. And most of the chopsticks are used in Japan as Japan uses 24 billion a year. This breaks down to almost 200 pairs per person a year. This demand has resulted in the de-forestation of almost 25 million trees a year. Not stopping here, what about the paper that you print on, or the plastic that you get from markets, etc, etc, etc. These are examples of simple products that make our life easier, or to do things quicker. They make our life better but there are many other things that are impacted. The environment, people, and beliefs.

The word sustainability is increasingly being used to stress the importance of supporting products that operate in a sustainable manner. Sustainably to me basically means doing what you need to do to meet the needs of the present without exploiting the resources of the people, so those in the future will have what they need. The keyword being: exploiting.

The global markets of today make things more uncontrollable and people are trying to solve this problem by setting up watchdog groups to set standards. Such as the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Palm oil is used as an ingredient in almost all products that we use, thus there is a huge demand for this product. And of course there is suffering by people and the environment to produce this product. The RSPO is helping to transform the palm oil industry to put the global supply chain on a sustainable path.

Hearing sustainability brings me back to my childhood days in Hawaii where we learned about the Ahu’puaa, Lokahi, and pono…all of these contribute to Aloha.

In Hawaii, prior to western introduction, there were over 1 million people living in Hawaii. There were no planes or boats so Hawaii had to be sustainable. And to do that people live Pono (righteousness). Righteousness not in a sense of religious but in a sense of doing everything needed to take care of the people and environment. To live Pono you had to understand Lokahi. Lokahi is being in harmony with each other and everything around us, the balance of all things. The Lokahi Triangle is the relation of three things: I’o (creator) at the top, humans on one corner and aina (land,sea,ocean) on the other.

Understanding Lokahi means, recognizing the need for values and having a responsibility (Kuliana) to everything that was given to us, such as the sea, animals in the mountain, plants on the land, and mostly the water that flow from the sky to the mountain to the sea.

Back then I never really understood all of this but living away from Hawaii has allowed me to see the sustainability problem in bigger scales. The motto of Hawaii is: Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ‘Aina I ka Pono, translated: The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness. Now I understand this more and more. To live Pono, understanding that we are one with nature. To understand this need to understand of ourselves, understand nature. Be sensitive with one another, be aware of nature and others, have Kuliana.

Quoting Kupuna Aunty Pilahi Paki: ”The world will turn to Hawai’I as they search for world peace because Hawai’I has the key…and that key is ALOHA.” I believe this is true…the world needs to look at basic Hawaiian ideals..Lokahi, living Pono, having Kuliana.

One of the ways that helps me understand nature is by surfing. Spending long hours in the water absorbing the energy from the waves, and being part of the ocean. Feeling what the ocean is saying, what it needs. Understanding the rules of the interaction of everything in the ocean.

Live Pono…start by thinking about sustainability then go out and catch a wave. And remember to support your local surf/ocean activity shop…. Until next time…”A hui hou…Malama Pono!!!

